Since September 2006 Ro-Ma has offered adjusting of wide band saws for sawmills. The operation of adjusting saws is performed using digitally-controlled RC100 centre. This machinery enables all operations included in adjusting to be performed in a single fix, this being the most recent achievement in technology of adjusting saws. The operations in question include levelling, tensioning and straightening. Levelling means elimination of any irregularities on the surface of a saw face. Tensioning is achieved through rolling. The Ro-Ma's offer includes both symmetric and asymmetric tensioning - depending on our Customer's desire. The operation of tensioning improves stiffness of a saw during work and ensures its proper adhesion to band rollers rims. Finally, straightening is to make straight of a back of a saw.
Furthermore, the RC100 machine enables condition of a saw to be monitored on a constant basis, both before and after each operation, through permanent, touch-less measuring. Results of all operations performed are recorded and printed in a graphic form. A Customer is given a print with detailed parameters of all operations. This provides him with a guarantee that all operations have been carried out strictly according to the instructions he gave. Adjusting is an excellent investment for users of saws. The benefits it ensures are evident and measurable: durability of saws increases, the material cut features smooth surface, thus favouring its further processing.
Available services: